
Enhancing school pride and community spirit

BTAC students are required to wear our distinctive uniform correctly at all times, both on campus and out and about in the community. It shows that our students are a member of our College and we ask that they wear it correctly and with pride.

Please ensure uniforms are kept clean and well looked after. Staff may ask you to replace excessively worn or untidy items.

All clothing must be clearly labelled with your child’s name so that it can be returned if lost.

Uniform Policy

The College Uniform Policy can be viewed below or downloaded here.

Summer uniforms are to be worn in Terms 1 and 2 (until Mothers’ Day), and Term 3 (after Fathers’ Day) and all of Term 4.

The length of the Summer skirt or dress is to sit no shorter than the top of the knee cap.

The College jumper may be worn as outerwear on cooler days.

Winter uniforms are to be worn between Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day.

Winter shirts for all students should be tucked in at all times.

The College jumper may be worn beneath the College blazer for extra warmth. The length of the Winter skirt or tunic is to sit no shorter than the top of the knee cap.

The College All-weather Jacket may be worn either over the winter uniform for students in kindergarten to Year 4 or on top of the blazer for students in years 5 to 12. Not to be worn at assembly or other formal occasions.

Black tights must be worn with the Winter skirt or tunic.

The College blazer is a compulsory uniform item for students in Years 5 to 12. Students are required to wear the blazer for all special occasions such as photos and official functions, including Assembly and Chapel in Years 7 – 12.

Between Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, students are required to wear the blazer while travelling to and from school. Students may also wear the new College anorak over their blazer in inclement weather. The blazer may be removed during the day, while at school, and may be stored in the student’s bag or locker. Outside of these dates, students are not expected to wear the blazer to and from school. If students are cold, they are permitted to wear the College jumper as the outer garment of the Summer uniform. The blazer should not be worn with the sleeves pushed up or with the sports uniform. Commemorative jackets and jerseys may be worn by Year 12 students to and from the College, in lieu of a blazer, but must not be worn to either Chapel or Assembly.


The sports uniform can be worn all day when a student has timetabled College Sport:

Kindergarten – Year 4: Fridays

Years 5 – 10: Thursdays

On Sport days, all students K-10 must wear their correct House polo shirt, College Sports shorts or College tracksuit.

Students in Kindergarten to Year 6 are to wear their PE uniform on the day PE is timetabled.

On days where practical PE is timetabled, students in Years 7 – 10 must:

  • arrive at and leave the College in full school uniform.
  • attend Morning Tutor in full school uniform (no blazers required).
  • change into PE uniform at the start of the PE lesson or in the break prior to their lesson, if the lesson is Period 4 or Period 6.


If students have a split practical, such as PASS students who have PE practical and PASS practical on the same day, they may continue to wear their PE uniform for the time between the lessons.

The College jumper is a compulsory item for students in Kindergarten to Year 6 and an optional item for students in Years 7 to 12.

Junior, Middle and Senior School boys wear ties all year round with the top button of the shirt done up. Boys in Kindergarten – Year 2 may wear the tie with elastic.

Girls in Kindergarten to Year 6 have tab ties attached to their tunic. Girls in Years 7 – 12 wear tab ties with the white shirt all year round.

Students are to wear plain unbranded white socks (no low ankle socks).

These are worn every day, including Sport and PE days.

Boys are to wear plain unbranded black socks (no ankle socks) with trousers.

Regulation style, rigid black leather lace-up shoes are required to be worn by all students at the College.

Mary-Jane and Skate-style shoes are not permitted at the College.

Kindergarten students may wear regulation style, velcro strapped shoes. Replacement shoes purchased from Year 1 must be black lace up regulation style.

For the sports uniform, students are expected to wear safe and appropriate athletic shoes that have lacing, support and cushioning.

The Uniform Shop does not stock school shoes.


Kindergarten to Year 8 students must have their hats at school all year round. A “No Hat, No Play” Policy is enforced all year round.

Years 9 to 12 students are permitted to manage their own sun safety on the campus. Whilst College hats are mandatory for Sport and PDHPE lessons (between Father’s Day and Mother’s Day), throughout the remainder of the year the onus to wear a hat will lay with the individual student.

In order to support students to make the best decisions regarding their own sun safety, each year each student in the Senior School undertakes on-line training courses. These are created by the Cancer Council and Sun Smart. This courses, once completed, will provide the student with a Certificate of Completion acknowledged by the Cancer Council. Parents are involved in this process.


The College bag is compulsory. The College feels it is important to provide students with the best available product. Currently, the bag is stocked in three sizes: small, medium and large. College bags are not permitted to be defaced in any way. Junior School students are required to also have a library bag and a Homework Folder.

The general expectation in regard to hairstyles is that they will be neat, clean and tidy (as determined by the College) and not extreme or designed to draw attention to the student. The following guidelines have been determined to implement this general expectation, yet give students some freedom in regard to their preferred hairstyle. Any students considering changing their hairstyle or hair colour who are doubtful as to how it would be accepted at school, should first seek approval from the appropriate Head of School.

In the interests of safety and in order to facilitate good classroom practice:

  • No student should have hair hanging over their eyes or their face at any time. Hair that touches the shoulder must be tied back with a hair ribbon or hair tie in navy, black or bottle green.
  • Extreme hairstyles such as dreadlocks, hair tattoos, hair beading are not acceptable.
  • Students’ faces are to be clean shaven.


Where an issue arises with a student’s adherence to or interpretation of our guidelines, the College will first seek to counsel the student. If an agreement cannot be reached, then families will be contacted to discuss.

Make-up is not to be worn at school. Nail polish, false nails and false eyelashes are not permitted from Kindergarten to Year 12.

The only jewellery permitted are:

  • Wristwatches
  • One pair of small plain spherical gold/silver studs (no more than 4mm) or small gold/silver sleepers
  • Earrings are to be worn in the lower lobe
  • Additional piercings may be preserved by wearing plastic covers.


Students are not permitted to have any visible tattoos.

Smartwatches are also not to be used by Junior and Middle School students and are expected to be placed in lockers throughout the day.

A black leather belt with a plain silver or gold buckle can be worn by students in Years 7 to 12.

In Winter, only black or bottle green scarves and gloves are acceptable for wear with the Winter uniform.

Female students in K – 12 have the option to wear a white ribbon in their hair.

Uniform Shop

Opening hours
  • Monday 8am-10am & 2pm-4pm

  • Thursday 8am-10am & 2pm-4pm

Online Orders

All online orders are available for collection from the uniform shop and can be made by visiting https://www.alintaapparel.com.au/

Holiday Opening Hours 
Holiday Opening Hours for the December/January holiday period can be viewed here.
Contact Details

 0401 036 834

 02 4321 0433 (Alinta head office for enquiries during school holidays)

 [email protected]