
Current school fees

Annual tuition fees for Preschool to Year 11 are billed over four instalments. Year 12 tuition fees are billed in three instalments. 

Current school fees

  • Our fees are subject to annual review and change yearly
  • There are two types of fee structures international students and domestic students. International students are students who hold a visa. Domestic students are students who are Australian citizens and not on a visa of any kind
  • Tuition fees don’t include co-curricular activities or instrument hire
  • The Resource Activity Levy (RAL) includes all camps, excursions and incursions for Kindergarten to Year 12 for all compulsory subjects

International Students

At Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College, we extend a warm welcome to International Students.

However, please note that we have limited placements available and require substantial evidence of English proficiency from all interested applicants. Overseas Students must undergo an English Proficiency test, preferably through Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS), with the test results submitted alongside the Application for Enrolment form.

We would like to clarify that we do not offer a Home Stay program and do not assume guardianship of Overseas Students. Additionally, students must hold a subclass 500 Visa, which includes visa types 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, and 575, to apply to our college. For any inquiries regarding visas and applications, please contact our college registrar at [email protected].

Overseas Students who wish to enroll at our college must complete the Application for Enrolment form and refer to our Overseas Student Handbook for further information. If you require any assistance with the enrolment process, please do not hesitate to contact the College Registrar at [email protected].