We know it can be a rush in the mornings to get everyone ready for school and work. That’s why many of our parents like to buy their child’s lunch and snacks from the canteen each day or on occasion, as it means you can take making lunchboxes off the list.
Our Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College canteen menus are designed with nutrition in mind. All of the options we provide are both healthy and delicious.
Canteen orders can be placed 24/7 via the Flexischools platform. Online orders are faster and give you peace of mind knowing they’re accurate and your child’s snacks and meals have been paid for. It also means no rummaging around for coins in the morning!
If your child has allergies or specific dietary requirements, Flexischools has advanced features so you can alert canteen staff.
Recess and lunch: Before 8 am on the day of order