Learning Domains

A program that develops powerful learners

We value the role of education in building and equipping our students to be successful contributors in their communities and to develop a vibrant understanding of our world. Our seven key learning areas allow our students to engage with, discover, and enjoy their learning.

 Like all NSW schools, our curriculum is subject to New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) requirements, and we’ve developed our teaching and learning programs to suit our guiding principles, Anglican faith, community and student needs.


Through studying English, students become confident communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers and lifelong learners. Students develop their language skills through speaking and listening, reading and writing, and viewing and representing.

They learn about language and literature through working with a wide range of print, spoken, visual, media, multimedia and digital texts.


  • Strong focus on reading with programs such as Focus for Five and dedicated reading lessons and book clubs
  • Opportunities for creative expression through creative writing, film production and other multimedia


Mathematics provides students with the opportunity to develop increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical understanding, fluency, communication, reasoning, analytical thought, and problem-solving skills.

These capabilities enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems relevant to their present and future needs.


  • Mathematics Honours program providing students with early start HSC Mathematics and Extension Mathematics, which they finish in Year 11
  • Maths Pathways in Stage 3 and Stage 4 – online program that supplements and provides differentiated learning based on student strengths and needs. It encourages personal growth and effort, which are essential study attributes for further learning


Through studying science, students learn about our biological, chemical, geological, physical and technological world. They actively develop skills in planning and conducting investigations, recording and analysing data, and problem-solving.

Students explore real-world phenomena and develop solutions to authentic problems.


  • Wide range of science subjects, including Earth and Environmental Studies and STEM
  • Dedicated STEM lab and maker space to support student creativity and innovation

Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)

Through studying HSIE, students develop the skills to prepare them to participate as informed citizens actively and responsibly in the contemporary world. Students learn a wide range of topics, from geography and history to business and economics.


  • Australian Business Week – Students in Year 10 participate in a week-long program dedicated to developing their business and innovation skills

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

Through studying Personal Development, Health and Physical Education courses, students develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes needed to take action to protect and enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing in varied and changing contexts.

Physical education is fundamental to acquiring movement skills and concepts to enable students to participate in a range of physical activities confidently, competently and creatively.


  • Various excursions and learning experiences that develop practical skills for adult life – First Aid Certification, Water Safety, Road Safety, Responsible use of Alcohol
  • A robust program focused on socio-emotional learning and the development of respectful relationships
  • Great practical sporting experiences with highly-skilled coaches and teachers


Students can access various supports that prepare them for their future studies and careers. Beginning in Year 10, students regularly engage with the careers department to explore future pathways and gain industry experience while still studying at school.


  • Work experience beginning in Year 10 with a range of local industries
  • Use of career assessment tools to help students navigate their career planning journey
  • Counselling for future career and university pathways
  • Supports for university and other tertiary applications
  • Opportunities to complete school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, where students complete their first-year apprenticeship while completing Years 11 and 12

Explore our BTAC Library

Our Library supports students in developing their love of reading and research, and provides an opportunity to engage with books regularly. Students can explore a wide-range of fiction and non-fiction texts targeted at their reading level and interests.